
Strategic planning is an essential exercise for any forward-thinking company that is feeling the need to revisit and align their corporate strategy. Over the course of this whole process, our goal is to find the REAL answers to the following existential questions.

Where are we right now?

Identify the starting line.

Where do we want to go?

Identify the desired results and attainable objectives.

How do we get there?

Identify the strategic actions and plan them.


90% of employees say they want to work for an employer with a clear plan.

Continued success is not up to chance!

Coming up with a plan that will be realistic enough to actually happen in real life, without demotivating the team and all the while respecting your values and you mission requires work. Quite a lot of work. Nothing is more disappointing than creating a detailed plan that never truly comes to fruition.

How we do it

We start with a discovery process enables us to get to know our client’s current business makeup & profile in detail. Thus, allowing us to plot a course for key subjects to address during the strategic sessions. We ensure input from all levels of the business to get a full 360-perspective of the issues and opportunities.We will hold a series of strategic planning sessions and team exercises such as SWOT, Mission Vision and Values as well as a unique 4-P method to truly create at a plan that is real and right for the business.

Our project management knowhow will convert your strategy into a detailed action plan to enable your business to have a clear road map to success. Your team will have access to a modern tool enabling them to track and manage and realize your goals!

Contact us today to find out how we can help your reach build a winning strategy for your business.


The GSI team are experienced, loyal and up to date with current industry knowledge and have enabled Groupe Vezina to develop the ability to react and adapt to our own challenges in a proactive way.

Francis Vézina

Directeur Général

With his methodological approach, he helped us focus our efforts in the right areas and provided us with the advice and guidance we were looking for.

Greg Raymond

Raymond Insurance

We received many positive comments and some great feedback from many of the attendees.

Lori Duclos, BBA, FCIP, CRM

First Vice President Education Day Chair Canadian Association of Insurance Women

De plus, les solutions apportées sont avant-gardistes sans être trop contraignantes. C’est une recherche de l’efficacité tout en respectant notre entreprise.

Stéphan Richard, C. d'A.A., MBA

Director, Commercial Lines, Assurancia Estrie Inc.

Vous avez surtout pris le temps de comprendre la dynamique du travail avant de nous proposer des solutions, lesquelles se sont avérées innovatrices afin de rendre notre entreprise plus productive et efficace.

Marie-Josée Friset

General Manager, Soly Chabot Ranger

Congratulations to you and your team at Solutions Gradient for your excellent work.

Ross Gagné

Marketing director, Essor

Ce sont de vrais professionnels avec une grande expertise dans le domaine de l'assurance. Je les recommande à n'importe quelle firme de courtage d'assurance IARD.

Jean-Pierre Tardif

Assurancia Tardif Group

The GSI team worked easily with all employees involved with the integration and they became a part of our culture and our corporate family over the course of their mandate. Furthermore, GSI provided me with an independent lens through which key issues and variables were discussed.

David Kennedy

Executive Vice President, CFO Dale Parizeau Morris Mackenzie

Sean's approach to the sales process is directly aligned with the professional manner that we wish to present to our customers. We have a much more focused and professional sales force as a result.

Bruce Ogilvy

President, Ogilvy & Ogilvy

Nous utilisons les étapes qu'elle [Ann Marie] a présentées cette semaine-là et l'impact le plus important se situe au niveau de la façon dont nous traitons les renouvellements.

Jacques Brisson

Groupe Plural - PMT ROY

The team at Gradient Solutions offer innovative ways to find solutions to making your business work more effectively and efficiently.

Gerald Shtull

President, Gerald Shtull & Associates

I just wanted to thank you again for putting us in touch with Gradient Solutions. We just had Ann Marie at our office, she was outstanding!!!

Curtis Beswick

CJ Campbell Insurance

With the help of GSI we were able to implement a new BMS with new workflows over a 5 month time frame. I am quite convinced that without their help we would not have been able to achieve these results in such a short period of time.

Carol Fetherston

GGA Inc., PMA Assurance et Services Financiers

I was very impressed with both the quality of the Lean program and the delivery. It is so relevant to where we are as an organization and was well received.

Kevin J. Neiles

Ranger Insurance

SCORE turned out to be everything we expected and more! We are seeing results in not only retention, but overall client satisfaction! Money well spent!

Paula Theaker

PBL Insurance

Thanks to SCORE, selling has never been easier. Sales are based on product and not premium. This makes us better brokers. In short, SCORE brings BENEFITS!

Alexandre Longpré

Groupe Vézina

View all testimonials


Book a 15 min meeting, or contact Sean Mulcair directly.

1-888-376-2566 ext. 102

[email protected]

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