Plan your work and work your plan!


15 years ago my father-in-law spoke those words to me and I have to say they stuck! And they have served me well as a mantra ever since!

So, it’s late January and most of us have likely sat down and written out some ideas of what we would like to accomplish in 2015. Many of us are hoping that some these ideas actually become a reality. However most of us will look back at the end of 2015 and realise that, at some point, several of our ideas got derailed!

“Planning is not the problem,
execution is!”

As consultants in the insurance industry, one of our greatest obstacles with our clients is IMPLEMENTATION. Regardless of it being a strategy, a process improvement or sales and marketing plans, implementation is a lot of work, any way you slice it!

I think many people have the natural ability to conceive ideas and post them on a wall, white board or note pad! The issue always lies with how we actually transform the idea into a reality. I often tell my clients that it’s like saying “one day I would love to run a marathon….” but the reality is that very few of us ever cross that finish line! WHY? Is it because the “once amazing idea “loses its sizzle? Do we underestimate the amount of work required to execute it? Are we lacking the resources to pull it off? Is it a discipline or a skill set thing?

I personally think it’s a different reason (or combination of reasons) for everyone but the end result is the same – it doesn’t get done!

The good news is that because we have worked with so many Brokers over the past 10 years, we have seen the key elements they struggle with. We want to share with you our ideas on how you can all become effective implementers!

We will be writing a 2-part series full of hints and tricks to help you take those great ideas into realised accomplishment!


We have worked with over 100 insurance Brokers – Wholesalers and Insurers in the past 10 years call us today to see how our experience can work for you!


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Plan your work and work your plan.

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